Linux 5.4.0-204-generic #224-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 5 13:38:28 UTC 2024 x86_64
Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
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Backdoor Destroyer
Linux Exploit
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Lock File
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PHP Mailer
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usr /
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doc /
popularity-contest /
examples /
bin /
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#! /usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; $ENV{PATH}="/bin:/usr/bin"; my %results=('all' => "../popcon-mail/results", 'stable' => "../popcon-mail/results.stable"); my $popbase = "../www"; my %popcon= ('all' => "", 'stable' => "/stable"); my %popfile=('all' => "all-popcon-results.gz", 'stable' => "stable-popcon-results.gz"); my %poptext=('all' => "All reports", 'stable' => "Stable reports"); my $mirrorbase = "/srv/mirrors/debian"; my $docurlbase = "/"; my %popconver=("1.28" => "sarge", "1.41" => "etch", "1.46" => "lenny", "1.49" => "squeeze", "1.56" => "wheezy", "1.61" => "jessie", "1.64" => "stretch", "1.67" => "buster"); my %popver=(); my @dists=("main","contrib","non-free","non-US"); my @fields=("inst","vote","old","recent","no-files"); my %maint=(); my %list_header=( "maint" => <<"EOF", #<name> is the developer name; # #The fields below are the sum for all the packages maintained by that #developer: EOF "source" => <<"EOF", #<name> is the source package name; # #The fields below are the sum for all the binary packages generated by #that source package: EOF "sourcemax" => <<"EOF"); #<name> is the source package name; # #The fields below are the maximum for all the binary packages generated by #that source package: EOF # Progress indicator sub mark { print join(" ",$_[0],times),"\n"; } # HTML templates sub htmlheader { my $name = $_[0]; my $sec = $_[1]; my $report_label = $poptext{$name}; if ($sec){ $report_label = "$poptext{$name} ($sec)"; } print HTML <<"EOH"; <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title> Debian Popularity Contest </title> <link rev="made" href="mailto:ballombe\"> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"> </head> <body> <div id="header"> <div id="upperheader"> <div id="logo"> <a href="" title="Debian Home"><img src="" alt="Debian" width="50" height="61"></a> </div> <!-- end logo --> <p class="section"><a href="/">POPCON</a></p> </div> <!-- end upperheader --> <!--UdmComment--> <div id="navbar"> <p class="hidecss"><a href="#content">Skip Quicknav</a></p> <ul> <li><a href="">About Debian</a></li> <li><a href="">Getting Debian</a></li> <li><a href="">Support</a></li> <li><a href="">Developers' Corner</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- end navbar --> <p id="breadcrumbs"><a href="">Debian Popularity Contest</a> / ${report_label}</p> </div> <!-- end header --> <!--/UdmComment--> EOH } sub popconintro { my ($name, $sec, $htmlfile) = @_; my $page = ${htmlfile}; if ($sec) { $page = "${sec}/${htmlfile}"; } &htmlheader($name, $sec); print HTML <<"EOF"; <div id="content"> <h1>Debian Popularity Contest</h1> <p> <em> The popularity contest project is an attempt to map the usage of Debian packages. This site publishes the statistics gathered from report sent by users of the <a href="">popularity-contest</a> package. This package sends every week the list of packages installed and the access time of relevant files to the server via email. Every day the server anonymizes the result and publishes this survey. For more information, read the <a href="${docurlbase}README">README</a> and the <a href="${docurlbase}FAQ">FAQ</a>. </em> <p><em>To participate in this survey, install the <a href="">popularity-contest</a> package.</em> </p> <p></p> <form method="GET" action="">Popcon statistics for source package <input type="text" size="30" maxlength="80" name="package"> <input type="submit" value="Go"> </form> <p> <style type="text/css"> #download-stats pre { margin-top: -15px; } table td { border-width: 0px; vertical-align: top; } .stats-cell{ vertical-align: middle; } #tabs ul { margin: 0; background #C70036; } #tabs li { display: inline; margin: 0 2px 0 0; font-size: 140%; padding: 0 2px; } #tabs #current { background: #C70036; color: #F5F6F7; } #main { border: 2px #C70036 solid; margin-bottom: 1em; padding-left: 1em; } .legend dt{ margin: 0; } dt { float: left; clear: left; font-weight: bold; width: 6em; } dt:after { content: ":"; } dd { margin: 0 0 0 7em; } </style> <div id="tabs"> <ul> EOF for (keys %poptext) { if ($_ eq $name) { print HTML "<li id=\"current\">$poptext{$_}</li>\n"; } else { print HTML "<li><a href=\"$popcon{$_}/$page\">$poptext{$_}</a></li>\n"; } } print HTML <<"EOF"; </ul> </div> EOF } sub legend { print HTML <<EOF; <dl class='legend'> <dt>inst</dt> <dd>number of people who installed this package</dd> <dt>vote</dt> <dd>number of people who use this package regularly</dd> <dt>old</dt> <dd>number of people who installed, but don't use this package regularly</dd> <dt>recent</dt> <dd>number of people who upgraded this package recently</dd> <dt>no-files</dt> <dd>number of people whose entry didn't contain enough information (atime and ctime were 0)</dd> </dl> EOF } sub rawresults { my ($numsub) = $_[0]; my ($popfile) = $_[1]; print HTML "<p>\n"; print HTML "<a href=\"$popfile\">Raw popularity-contest results</a>\n"; print HTML "</p>\n"; &legend; print HTML <<EOF; <p> Number of submissions considered: $numsub </p> EOF } sub htmlfooter { my $date=gmtime(); print HTML <<EOH; <div id="footer"> Made by <a href="mailto:ballombe\">Bill Allombert</a>. Last generated on $date UTC. <br> <a href="" > Popularity-contest project </a> by Avery Pennarun, Bill Allombert and Petter Reinholdtsen. <br> Debian theme by Stéphane Blondon, based on Debian template Copyright © 1997-2013 <a href="">SPI</a> and others; See <a href="" rel="copyright">license terms</a><br> Debian is a registered <a href="">trademark</a> of Software in the Public Interest, Inc. </div> </body> </html> EOH } # Report generators sub make_sec { my $sec="$_[0]/$_[1]"; -d $sec || system("mkdir","-p","$sec"); } sub print_by { my ($dir,$f)=@_; print HTML ("<a href=\"$dir/by_$f\">$f</a> [<a href=\"$dir/by_$f.gz\">gz</a>] "); } sub make_by { my ($popcon,$sec,$order,$pkg,$winner,$listp) = @_; my (%sum, $me); my @list = sort {$pkg->{$b}->{$order}<=> $pkg->{$a}->{$order} || $a cmp $b } @{$listp}; $winner->{"$sec/$order"}=$list[0]; open DAT , "|-:utf8", "tee $popcon/$sec/by_$order | gzip -c > $popcon/$sec/by_$order.gz"; if (defined($list_header{$sec})) { print DAT $list_header{$sec}; $me=""; } else { print DAT <<"EOF"; #Format # #<name> is the package name; EOF $me="(maintainer)"; } print DAT << "EOF"; #<inst> is the number of people who installed this package; #<vote> is the number of people who use this package regularly; #<old> is the number of people who installed, but don't use this package # regularly; #<recent> is the number of people who upgraded this package recently; #<no-files> is the number of people whose entry didn't contain enough # information (atime and ctime were 0). #rank name inst vote old recent no-files $me EOF my $format="%-5d %-30s".(" %5d"x($#fields+1))." %-32s\n"; my $rank=0; my $p; for $p (@list) { $rank++; my $m=(defined($list_header{$sec})?"":"($maint{$p})"); printf DAT $format, $rank, $p, (map {$pkg->{$p}->{$_}} @fields), $m; $sum{$_}+=$pkg->{$p}->{$_} for (@fields); } print DAT '-'x66,"\n"; printf DAT $format, $rank, "Total", map {defined($sum{$_})?$sum{$_}:0} @fields, ""; close DAT; } sub make { my ($popcon, $sec,$pkg,$winner,$list)=@_; make_sec ($popcon,$sec); make_by ($popcon, $sec, $_, $pkg, $winner, $list) for (@fields); } sub print_pkg { my ($pkg)=@_; return unless (defined($pkg)); my $size=length $pkg; $size = 20 if ($size > 20); my $pkgt=substr($pkg,0,20); print HTML "<a href=\"$pkg\">$pkgt</a> ", ' 'x(20-$size); } my %section=(); my %source=(); #Format #<name> <vote> <old> <recent> <no-files> # #<name> is the package name; #<vote> is the number of people who use this package regularly; #<old> is the number of people who installed, but don't use this package # regularly; #<recent> is the number of people who upgraded this package recently; #<no-files> is the number of people whose entry didn't contain enough # information (atime and ctime were 0). sub read_result { my ($name) = @_; my $results = $results{$name}; my (%pkg,%maintpkg,%sourcepkg,%sourcemax,%arch,%vendor,$numsub,%release); open PKG, "<:utf8","$results" or die "$results not found"; while(<PKG>) { my ($type,@values)=split(" "); if ($type eq "Package:") { my @votes = @values; my $name = shift @votes; unshift @votes,$votes[0]+$votes[1]+$votes[2]+$votes[3]; $section{$name}='unknown' unless (defined($section{$name})); $maint{$name}='Not in sid' unless (defined($maint{$name})); $source{$name}='Not in sid' unless (defined($source{$name})); for(my $i=0;$i<=$#fields;$i++) { my ($f,$v)=($fields[$i],$votes[$i]); $pkg{$name}->{$f}=$v; $maintpkg{$maint{$name}}->{$f}+=$v; $sourcepkg{$source{$name}}->{$f}+=$v; my($sm)=$sourcemax{$source{$name}}->{$f}; $sourcemax{$source{$name}}->{$f}=$v if (!defined($sm) || $sm < $v); } } elsif ($type eq "Architecture:") { my ($a,$nb)=@values; $arch{$a}=$nb; } elsif ($type eq "Vendor:") { my ($a,$nb)=@values; print STDERR "$a -> $nb\n"; $vendor{$a}=$nb; } elsif ($type eq "Submissions:") { ($numsub)=@values; } elsif ($type eq "Release:") { my ($a,$nb)=@values; $release{$a}=$nb; } } close PKG; return {'name' => $name, 'pkg' => \%pkg, 'maintpkg' => \%maintpkg, 'sourcepkg' => \%sourcepkg, 'sourcemax' => \%sourcemax, 'arch' => \%arch, 'release' => \%release, 'vendor' => \%vendor, 'numsub' => $numsub}; } sub gen_sections { my ($stat) = @_; my $name = $stat->{'name'}; my %pkg = %{$stat->{'pkg'}}; my %maintpkg = %{$stat->{'maintpkg'}}; my %sourcepkg = %{$stat->{'sourcepkg'}}; my %sourcemax = %{$stat->{'sourcemax'}}; my %arch = %{$stat->{'arch'}}; my %release = %{$stat->{'release'}}; my %vendor = %{$stat->{'vendor'}}; my $numsub = $stat->{'numsub'}; my $popcon = "$popbase$popcon{$name}"; my $popfile = $popfile{$name}; my @pkgs=sort keys %pkg; my %sections = map {$section{$_} => 1} keys %section; my @sections = sort keys %sections; my @maints= sort keys %maintpkg; my @sources= sort keys %sourcepkg; my %winner = (); my ($sec, $dir, $f); for $sec (@sections) { my @list = grep {$section{$_} eq $sec} @pkgs; make ($popcon, $sec, \%pkg, \%winner, \@list); } #There is a hack: '.' is both the current directory and #the catchall regexp. for $sec (".",@dists) { my @list = grep {$section{$_} =~ /^$sec/ } @pkgs; make ($popcon, $sec, \%pkg, \%winner, \@list); } make ($popcon, "maint", \%maintpkg, \%winner, \@maints); make ($popcon, "source", \%sourcepkg, \%winner, \@sources); make ($popcon, "sourcemax", \%sourcemax, \%winner, \@sources); for $sec (@dists) { open HTML , ">:utf8", "$popcon/$sec/index.html" or print STDERR "error $popcon/$sec/index.html\n"; opendir SEC,"$popcon/$sec"; popconintro($name, $sec, "index.html"); printf HTML ("<div id=\"main\">"); printf HTML ("<p>Statistics for the section %-16s sorted by fields: ",$sec); print_by (".",$_) for (@fields); print HTML ("\n </p> \n"); printf HTML ("<p> <a href=\"first.html\"> First packages in subsections for each fields </a>\n"); printf HTML ("<p>Statistics for subsections sorted by fields\n <pre>\n"); for $dir (sort readdir SEC) { -d "$popcon/$sec/$dir" or next; $dir !~ /^\./ or next; printf HTML ("%-16s : ",$dir); print_by ($dir,$_) for (@fields); print HTML ("\n"); } print HTML ("\n </pre>\n"); printf HTML ("</div><!-- close main-->"); &legend; htmlfooter; closedir SEC; close HTML; } for $sec (@dists) { open HTML , ">:utf8", "$popcon/$sec/first.html"; opendir SEC,"$popcon/$sec"; popconintro($name, $sec, "first.html"); printf HTML ("<div id=\"main\">"); printf HTML ("<p>First package in section %-16s for fields: ",$sec); for $f (@fields) { print_pkg $winner{"$sec/$f"}; } print HTML ("\n </p> \n"); printf HTML ("<p> <a href=\"index.html\"> Statistics by subsections sorted by fields </a>\n"); printf HTML ("<p>First package in subsections for fields\n <pre>\n"); printf HTML ("%-16s : ","subsection"); for $f (@fields) { printf HTML ("%-20s ",$f); } print HTML ("\n","_"x120,"\n"); for $dir (sort readdir SEC) { -d "$popcon/$sec/$dir" or next; $dir !~ /^\./ or next; printf HTML ("%-16s : ",$dir); for $f (@fields) { print_pkg $winner{"$sec/$dir/$f"}; } print HTML ("\n"); } print HTML ("\n </pre>\n"); printf HTML ("</div><!-- close main-->"); &legend; htmlfooter; closedir SEC; close HTML; } open HTML , ">:utf8", "$popcon/index.html"; popconintro($name, "", "index.html"); printf HTML ("<div id=\"main\">"); printf HTML ("<h2>Download</h2>"); printf HTML ("<p>Statistics for the whole archive sorted by fields: <pre>"); print_by (".",$_) for (@fields); print HTML ("</pre>\n </p> \n"); printf HTML ("<p>Statistics by maintainers sorted by fields: <pre>"); print_by ("maint",$_) for (@fields); print HTML ("</pre>\n </p> \n"); printf HTML ("<p>Statistics by source packages (sum) sorted by fields: <pre>"); print_by ("source",$_) for (@fields); print HTML ("</pre>\n </p> \n"); printf HTML ("<p>Statistics by source packages (max) sorted by fields: <pre>"); print_by ("sourcemax",$_) for (@fields); print HTML ("</pre>\n </p> \n"); printf HTML ("<p>Statistics for sections sorted by fields\n <pre>\n"); for $dir ("main","contrib","non-free","non-US","unknown") { -d "$popcon/$dir" or next; $dir !~ /^\./ or next; if ($dir eq "unknown") { printf HTML ("%-16s : ",$dir); } else { printf HTML ("<a href=\"$dir/index.html\">%-16s</a> : ",$dir); } print_by ($dir,$_) for (@fields); print HTML ("\n"); } printf HTML ("</pre>\n"); rawresults($numsub, $popfile); print HTML <<'EOF'; <h2>Statistics per Debian architectures</h2> <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td class="stats-cell"> <pre> EOF for $f (grep { $_ ne 'unknown' } sort keys %arch) { my ($port)=split('-',$f); $port="$port/"; $port="kfreebsd-gnu/" if ($port eq "kfreebsd/"); printf HTML "<a href=\"$port\">%-16s</a> : %-10s <a href=\"stat/sub-$f.png\">graph</a>\n",$f,$arch{$f}; } if (defined $arch{"unknown"}) { printf HTML "%-16s : %-10s <a href=\"stat/sub-unknown.png\">graph</a>\n","unknown",$arch{"unknown"} } print HTML "</pre></td>\n"; print HTML <<'EOF'; <td> <table> <tr><td> <img alt="Graph of number of submissions per architectures" width="600" height="500" src="stat/submission.png"> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img alt="Graph of number of submissions per architectures (last 12 months)" width="600" height="500" src="stat/submission-1year.png"> </td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> EOF print HTML <<'EOF'; <h2>Statistics per popularity-contest releases</h2> <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr><td class="stats-cell"> <pre> EOF for $f (grep { $_ ne 'unknown' } sort keys %release) { my($name) = $f; $name = "$f ($popconver{$f})" if (defined($popconver{$f})); printf HTML "%-25s : %-10s \n",$name,$release{$f}; } if (defined $release{"unknown"}) { printf HTML "%-25s : %-10s \n","unknown",$release{"unknown"}; } print HTML "</pre></td>\n"; print HTML <<'EOF'; <td> <table> <tr><td> <img alt="Graph of popularity-contest versions in use" width="600" height="500" src="stat/release.png"> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img alt="Graph of popularity-contest versions in use (12 last months)" width="600" height="500" src="stat/release-1year.png"> </td></tr> </table> </td> </tr></table> <p> </p> EOF print HTML <<'EOF'; <h2>Statistics per distributions reporting to Debian</h2> <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr><td class="stats-cell"> <pre> EOF for $f (grep { $_ ne 'unknown' } sort keys %vendor) { my($name) = $f; printf HTML "%-25s : %-10s \n",$name,$vendor{$f}; } if (defined $vendor{"unknown"}) { printf HTML "%-25s : %-10s \n","unknown",$vendor{"unknown"}; } print HTML "</pre></td>\n"; print HTML <<'EOF'; <td> <table> <tr><td> <img alt="Graph of distributions reporting to Debian" width="600" height="500" src="stat/vendors.png"> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img alt="Graph of distributions reporting to Debian (12 last months)" width="600" height="500" src="stat/vendors-1year.png"> </td></tr> </table> </td> </tr></table> <p> </p> EOF printf HTML ("</div><!-- close main-->"); htmlfooter; close HTML; } sub read_packages { my ($file,$dist); for $file ("slink","slink-nonUS","potato","potato-nonUS", "woody","woody-nonUS", values %popconver) { open AVAIL, "<:utf8", "$file.sections" or die "Cannot open $file.sections"; while(<AVAIL>) { my ($p,$sec)=split(' '); defined($sec) or last; chomp $sec; $sec =~ m{^(non-US|contrib|non-free)/} or $sec="main/$sec"; $section{$p}=$sec; $maint{$p}="Not in sid"; $source{$p}="Not in sid"; } close AVAIL; } mark "Reading legacy packages..."; for $dist ("stable", "testing", "unstable") { for (glob("$mirrorbase/dists/$dist/*/binary-*/Packages.xz")) { /([^[:space:]]+)/ or die("incorrect package name"); my $file = $1;#Untaint open AVAIL, "-|:encoding(UTF-8)","xzcat $file"; my $p; while(<AVAIL>) { /^Package: (.+)/ and do {$p=$1;$maint{$p}="bug";$source{$p}=$p;next;}; /^Version: (.+)/ && $p eq "popularity-contest" and do { $popver{$dist}=$1; next;}; /^Maintainer: ([^()]+) (\(.+\) )*<.+>/ and do { $maint{$p}=join(' ',map{ucfirst($_)} split(' ',lc $1));next;}; /^Source: (\S+)/ and do { $source{$p}=$1;next;}; /^Section: (.+)/ or next; my $sec = $1; $sec =~ m{^(non-US|contrib|non-free)/} or $sec="main/$sec"; $section{$p}=$sec; } close AVAIL; } } mark "Reading current packages..."; for $dist ("stable", "testing", "unstable") { my($v)=$popver{$dist}; $popconver{$v}=defined($popconver{$v})?"$popconver{$v}/$dist":$dist; } } # Main code read_packages(); mark "Reading packages..."; my %stat = ('all' => read_result('all'), 'stable' => read_result('stable')); mark "Reading stats..."; for (keys %stat) { gen_sections($stat{$_}); } mark "Building pages";