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# Copyright (C) 2017 Canonical Ltd. # # Author: Chad Smith <> # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import abc import glob import logging import os import re import signal import socket import struct import time from contextlib import suppress from io import StringIO from subprocess import TimeoutExpired from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import configobj from cloudinit import subp, temp_utils, util from import get_interface_mac, is_ib_interface LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) NETWORKD_LEASES_DIR = "/run/systemd/netif/leases" DHCLIENT_FALLBACK_LEASE_DIR = "/var/lib/dhclient" # Match or something.leases DHCLIENT_FALLBACK_LEASE_REGEX = r".+\.leases?$" UDHCPC_SCRIPT = """#!/bin/sh log() { echo "udhcpc[$PPID]" "$interface: $2" } [ -z "$1" ] && echo "Error: should be called from udhcpc" && exit 1 case $1 in bound|renew) cat <<JSON > "$LEASE_FILE" { "interface": "$interface", "fixed-address": "$ip", "subnet-mask": "$subnet", "routers": "${router%% *}", "static_routes" : "${staticroutes}" } JSON ;; deconfig) log err "Not supported" exit 1 ;; leasefail | nak) log err "configuration failed: $1: $message" exit 1 ;; *) echo "$0: Unknown udhcpc command: $1" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac """ class NoDHCPLeaseError(Exception): """Raised when unable to get a DHCP lease.""" class InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError(NoDHCPLeaseError): """Raised when parsing an empty or invalid file. Current uses are DataSourceAzure and DataSourceEc2 during ephemeral boot to scrape metadata. """ class NoDHCPLeaseInterfaceError(NoDHCPLeaseError): """Raised when unable to find a viable interface for DHCP.""" class NoDHCPLeaseMissingDhclientError(NoDHCPLeaseError): """Raised when unable to find dhclient.""" def maybe_perform_dhcp_discovery( distro, nic=None, dhcp_log_func=None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Perform dhcp discovery if nic valid and dhclient command exists. If the nic is invalid or undiscoverable or dhclient command is not found, skip dhcp_discovery and return an empty dict. @param nic: Name of the network interface we want to run dhclient on. @param dhcp_log_func: A callable accepting the dhclient output and error streams. @return: A list of dicts representing dhcp options for each lease obtained from the dhclient discovery if run, otherwise an empty list is returned. """ interface = nic or distro.fallback_interface if interface is None: LOG.debug("Skip dhcp_discovery: Unable to find fallback nic.") raise NoDHCPLeaseInterfaceError() return distro.dhcp_client.dhcp_discovery(interface, dhcp_log_func, distro) def networkd_parse_lease(content): """Parse a systemd lease file content as in /run/systemd/netif/leases/ Parse this (almost) ini style file even though it says: # This is private data. Do not parse. Simply return a dictionary of key/values.""" return dict(configobj.ConfigObj(StringIO(content), list_values=False)) def networkd_load_leases(leases_d=None): """Return a dictionary of dictionaries representing each lease found in lease_d.i The top level key will be the filename, which is typically the ifindex.""" if leases_d is None: leases_d = NETWORKD_LEASES_DIR ret: Dict[str, dict] = {} if not os.path.isdir(leases_d): return ret for lfile in os.listdir(leases_d): ret[lfile] = networkd_parse_lease( util.load_text_file(os.path.join(leases_d, lfile)) ) return ret def networkd_get_option_from_leases(keyname, leases_d=None): if leases_d is None: leases_d = NETWORKD_LEASES_DIR leases = networkd_load_leases(leases_d=leases_d) for _ifindex, data in sorted(leases.items()): if data.get(keyname): return data[keyname] return None class DhcpClient(abc.ABC): client_name = "" timeout = 10 def __init__(self): self.dhcp_client_path = subp.which(self.client_name) if not self.dhcp_client_path: raise NoDHCPLeaseMissingDhclientError() @classmethod def kill_dhcp_client(cls): subp.subp(["pkill", cls.client_name], rcs=[0, 1]) @classmethod def clear_leases(cls): cls.kill_dhcp_client() files = glob.glob("/var/lib/dhcp/*") for file in files: os.remove(file) @classmethod def start_service(cls, dhcp_interface: str, distro): distro.manage_service( "start", cls.client_name, dhcp_interface, rcs=[0, 1] ) @classmethod def stop_service(cls, dhcp_interface: str, distro): distro.manage_service("stop", cls.client_name, rcs=[0, 1]) @abc.abstractmethod def get_newest_lease(self, interface: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the most recent lease from the ephemeral phase as a dict. Return a dict of dhcp options. The dict contains key value pairs from the most recent lease. """ return {} @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def parse_static_routes(routes: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ parse classless static routes from string The tuple is composed of the network_address (including net length) and gateway for a parsed static route. @param routes: string containing classless static routes @returns: list of tuple(str, str) for all valid parsed routes until the first parsing error. """ return [] @abc.abstractmethod def dhcp_discovery( self, interface: str, dhcp_log_func: Optional[Callable] = None, distro=None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Run dhcp client on the interface without scripts or filesystem artifacts. @param interface: Name of the network interface on which to send a dhcp request @param dhcp_log_func: A callable accepting the client output and error streams. @param distro: a distro object for network interface manipulation @return: dict of lease options representing the most recent dhcp lease parsed from the file """ return {} class IscDhclient(DhcpClient): client_name = "dhclient" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.lease_file = "/run/" @staticmethod def parse_leases(lease_content: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """parse the content of a lease file @param lease_content: a string containing the contents of an isc-dhclient lease @return: a list of leases, most recent last """ lease_regex = re.compile(r"lease {(?P<lease>.*?)}\n", re.DOTALL) dhcp_leases: List[Dict] = [] if len(lease_content) == 0: return [] for lease in lease_regex.findall(lease_content): lease_options = [] for line in lease.split(";"): # Strip newlines, double-quotes and option prefix line = line.strip().replace('"', "").replace("option ", "") if line: lease_options.append(line.split(" ", 1)) options = dict(lease_options) opt_245 = options.get("unknown-245") if opt_245: options["unknown-245"] = IscDhclient.get_ip_from_lease_value( opt_245 ) dhcp_leases.append(options) return dhcp_leases @staticmethod def get_ip_from_lease_value(fallback_lease_value): unescaped_value = fallback_lease_value.replace("\\", "") if len(unescaped_value) > 4: hex_string = "" for hex_pair in unescaped_value.split(":"): if len(hex_pair) == 1: hex_pair = "0" + hex_pair hex_string += hex_pair packed_bytes = struct.pack( ">L", int(hex_string.replace(":", ""), 16) ) else: packed_bytes = unescaped_value.encode("utf-8") return socket.inet_ntoa(packed_bytes) def get_newest_lease(self, interface: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the most recent lease from the ephemeral phase as a dict. Return a dict of dhcp options. The dict contains key value pairs from the most recent lease. @param interface: an interface string - not used in this class, but required for function signature compatibility with other classes that require a distro object @raises: InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError on empty or unparsable leasefile content. """ with suppress(FileNotFoundError): content = util.load_text_file(self.lease_file) if content: dhcp_leases = self.parse_leases(content) if dhcp_leases: return dhcp_leases[-1] return {} def dhcp_discovery( self, interface: str, dhcp_log_func: Optional[Callable] = None, distro=None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Run dhclient on the interface without scripts/filesystem artifacts. @param interface: Name of the network interface on which to send a dhcp request @param dhcp_log_func: A callable accepting the dhclient output and error streams. @param distro: a distro object for network interface manipulation @return: dict of lease options representing the most recent dhcp lease parsed from the file """ LOG.debug("Performing a dhcp discovery on %s", interface) # We want to avoid running /sbin/dhclient-script because of # side-effects in # /etc/resolv.conf any any other vendor specific # scripts in /etc/dhcp/dhclient*hooks.d. pid_file = "/run/" config_file = None sleep_time = 0.01 sleep_cycles = int(self.timeout / sleep_time) maxwait = int(self.timeout / 2) # this function waits for these files to exist, clean previous runs # to avoid false positive in wait_for_files with suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.remove(pid_file) os.remove(self.lease_file) # ISC dhclient needs the interface up to send initial discovery packets # Generally dhclient relies on dhclient-script PREINIT action to bring # the link up before attempting discovery. Since we are using # -sf /bin/true, we need to do that "link up" ourselves first. distro.net_ops.link_up(interface) # For INFINIBAND port the dhlient must be sent with # dhcp-client-identifier. So here we are checking if the interface is # INFINIBAND or not. If yes, we are generating the the client-id to be # used with the dhclient if is_ib_interface(interface): dhcp_client_identifier = ( "20:%s" % get_interface_mac(interface)[36:] ) interface_dhclient_content = ( 'interface "%s" ' "{send dhcp-client-identifier %s;}" % (interface, dhcp_client_identifier) ) tmp_dir = temp_utils.get_tmp_ancestor(needs_exe=True) config_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, interface + "-dhclient.conf") util.write_file(config_file, interface_dhclient_content) try: out, err = subp.subp( distro.build_dhclient_cmd( self.dhcp_client_path, self.lease_file, pid_file, interface, config_file, ) ) except subp.ProcessExecutionError as error: LOG.debug( "dhclient exited with code: %s stderr: %r stdout: %r", error.exit_code, error.stderr, error.stdout, ) raise NoDHCPLeaseError from error # Wait for pid file and lease file to appear, and for the process # named by the pid file to daemonize (have pid 1 as its parent). If we # try to read the lease file before daemonization happens, we might try # to read it before the dhclient has actually written it. We also have # to wait until the dhclient has become a daemon so we can be sure to # kill the correct process, thus freeing cleandir to be deleted back # up the callstack. missing = util.wait_for_files( [pid_file, self.lease_file], maxwait=maxwait, naplen=0.01 ) if missing: LOG.warning( "dhclient did not produce expected files: %s", ", ".join(os.path.basename(f) for f in missing), ) return {} ppid = "unknown" daemonized = False pid_content = None debug_msg = "" for _ in range(sleep_cycles): try: pid_content = util.load_text_file(pid_file).strip() pid = int(pid_content) except FileNotFoundError: debug_msg = ( f"No PID file found at {pid_file}, " "dhclient is still running" ) except ValueError: debug_msg = ( f"PID file contained [{pid_content}], " "dhclient is still running" ) else: ppid = distro.get_proc_ppid(pid) if ppid == 1: LOG.debug("killing dhclient with pid=%s", pid) os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) daemonized = True break time.sleep(sleep_time) else: LOG.debug(debug_msg) if not daemonized: LOG.error( "dhclient(pid=%s, parentpid=%s) failed to daemonize after %s " "seconds", pid_content, ppid, 0.01 * 1000, ) if dhcp_log_func is not None: dhcp_log_func(out, err) lease = self.get_newest_lease(interface) if lease: return lease raise InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError() @staticmethod def parse_static_routes(routes: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ parse rfc3442 format and return a list containing tuple of strings. The tuple is composed of the network_address (including net length) and gateway for a parsed static route. It can parse two formats of rfc3442, one from dhcpcd and one from dhclient (isc). @param rfc3442: string in rfc3442 format (isc or dhcpd) @returns: list of tuple(str, str) for all valid parsed routes until the first parsing error. e.g.: sr=parse_static_routes(\ "32,169,254,169,254,130,56,248,255,0,130,56,240,1") sr=[ ("", ""), \ ("", "") ] sr2 = parse_static_routes(\ ",0") sr2 = [ ("", ""),\ ("", "") ] # unknown-121 option format sr3 = parse_static_routes(\ "0:a:0:0:1:20:a8:3f:81:10:a:0:0:1:20:a9:fe:a9:fe:a:0:0:1") sr3 = [ ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ] Python version of isc-dhclient's hooks: /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/rfc3442-classless-routes """ # raw strings from dhcp lease may end in semi-colon rfc3442 = routes.rstrip(";") tokens = [tok for tok in re.split(r"[, . :]", rfc3442) if tok] static_routes: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] # Handle unknown-121 format by converting hex to base 10. if ":" in rfc3442: tokens = [str(int(tok, 16)) for tok in tokens] def _trunc_error(cidr, required, remain): msg = ( "RFC3442 string malformed. Current route has CIDR of %s " "and requires %s significant octets, but only %s remain. " "Verify DHCP rfc3442-classless-static-routes value: %s" % (cidr, required, remain, rfc3442) ) LOG.error(msg) current_idx = 0 for idx, tok in enumerate(tokens): if idx < current_idx: continue net_length = int(tok) if net_length in range(25, 33): req_toks = 9 if len(tokens[idx:]) < req_toks: _trunc_error(net_length, req_toks, len(tokens[idx:])) return static_routes net_address = ".".join(tokens[idx + 1 : idx + 5]) gateway = ".".join(tokens[idx + 5 : idx + req_toks]) current_idx = idx + req_toks elif net_length in range(17, 25): req_toks = 8 if len(tokens[idx:]) < req_toks: _trunc_error(net_length, req_toks, len(tokens[idx:])) return static_routes net_address = ".".join(tokens[idx + 1 : idx + 4] + ["0"]) gateway = ".".join(tokens[idx + 4 : idx + req_toks]) current_idx = idx + req_toks elif net_length in range(9, 17): req_toks = 7 if len(tokens[idx:]) < req_toks: _trunc_error(net_length, req_toks, len(tokens[idx:])) return static_routes net_address = ".".join(tokens[idx + 1 : idx + 3] + ["0", "0"]) gateway = ".".join(tokens[idx + 3 : idx + req_toks]) current_idx = idx + req_toks elif net_length in range(1, 9): req_toks = 6 if len(tokens[idx:]) < req_toks: _trunc_error(net_length, req_toks, len(tokens[idx:])) return static_routes net_address = ".".join( tokens[idx + 1 : idx + 2] + ["0", "0", "0"] ) gateway = ".".join(tokens[idx + 2 : idx + req_toks]) current_idx = idx + req_toks elif net_length == 0: req_toks = 5 if len(tokens[idx:]) < req_toks: _trunc_error(net_length, req_toks, len(tokens[idx:])) return static_routes net_address = "" gateway = ".".join(tokens[idx + 1 : idx + req_toks]) current_idx = idx + req_toks else: LOG.error( 'Parsed invalid net length "%s". Verify DHCP ' "rfc3442-classless-static-routes value.", net_length, ) return static_routes static_routes.append( ("%s/%s" % (net_address, net_length), gateway) ) return static_routes @staticmethod def get_newest_lease_file_from_distro(distro) -> Optional[str]: """Get the latest lease file from a distro-managed dhclient Doesn't consider the ephemeral timeframe lease. @param distro: used for distro-specific lease location and filename @return: The most recent lease file, or None """ latest_file = None # Try primary dir/regex, then the fallback ones for directory, regex in ( ( distro.dhclient_lease_directory, distro.dhclient_lease_file_regex, ), (DHCLIENT_FALLBACK_LEASE_DIR, DHCLIENT_FALLBACK_LEASE_REGEX), ): if not directory: continue lease_files = [] try: lease_files = os.listdir(directory) except FileNotFoundError: continue latest_mtime = -1.0 for fname in lease_files: if not, fname): continue abs_path = os.path.join(directory, fname) mtime = os.path.getmtime(abs_path) if mtime > latest_mtime: latest_mtime = mtime latest_file = abs_path # Lease file found, skipping falling back if latest_file: return latest_file return None def get_key_from_latest_lease(self, distro, key: str): """Get a key from the latest lease from distro-managed dhclient Doesn't consider the ephemeral timeframe lease. @param lease_dir: distro-specific lease to check @param lease_file_regex: distro-specific regex to match lease name @return: The most recent lease file, or None """ lease_file = self.get_newest_lease_file_from_distro(distro) if lease_file: content = util.load_text_file(lease_file) if content: for lease in reversed(self.parse_leases(content)): server = lease.get(key) if server: return server class Dhcpcd(DhcpClient): client_name = "dhcpcd" timeout = 300 def dhcp_discovery( self, interface: str, dhcp_log_func: Optional[Callable] = None, distro=None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Run dhcpcd on the interface without scripts/filesystem artifacts. @param interface: Name of the network interface on which to send a dhcp request @param dhcp_log_func: A callable accepting the client output and error streams. @param distro: a distro object for network interface manipulation @return: dict of lease options representing the most recent dhcp lease parsed from the file """ LOG.debug("Performing a dhcp discovery on %s", interface) sleep_time = 0.01 sleep_cycles = int(self.timeout / sleep_time) infiniband_argument = [] # dhcpcd needs the interface up to send initial discovery packets # Generally dhclient relies on dhclient-script PREINIT action to bring # the link up before attempting discovery. Since we are using # -sf /bin/true, we need to do that "link up" ourselves first. distro.net_ops.link_up(interface) try: # Currently dhcpcd doesn't have a workable --oneshot lease parsing # story. All non-daemon lease parsing options on dhcpcd appear # broken: # # # # # # Until fixed, we allow dhcpcd to spawn background processes so # that we can use --dumplease, but when any option above is fixed, # it would be safer to avoid spawning processes using --oneshot if is_ib_interface(interface): infiniband_argument = ["--clientid"] command = [ self.client_name, "--ipv4only", # only attempt configuring ipv4 "--waitip", # wait for ipv4 to be configured "--persistent", # don't deconfigure when dhcpcd exits "--noarp", # don't be slow "--script=/bin/true", # disable hooks *infiniband_argument, interface, ] out, err = subp.subp( command, timeout=self.timeout, ) if dhcp_log_func is not None: dhcp_log_func(out, err) lease = self.get_newest_lease(interface) # Attempt cleanup and leave breadcrumbs if it fails, but return # the lease regardless of failure to clean up dhcpcd. if lease: # Note: the pid file location depends on the arguments passed # it can be discovered with the -P flag pid_file = subp.subp([*command, "-P"]).stdout.strip() pid_content = None gid = False debug_msg = "" for _ in range(sleep_cycles): try: pid_content = util.load_text_file(pid_file).strip() pid = int(pid_content) gid = distro.get_proc_pgid(pid) if gid: LOG.debug( "killing dhcpcd with pid=%s gid=%s", pid, gid ) os.killpg(gid, signal.SIGKILL) break except ProcessLookupError: LOG.debug( "Process group id [%s] has already exited, " "nothing to kill", gid, ) break except FileNotFoundError: debug_msg = ( f"No PID file found at {pid_file}, " "dhcpcd is still running" ) except ValueError: debug_msg = ( f"PID file contained [{pid_content}], " "dhcpcd is still running" ) else: return lease time.sleep(sleep_time) else: LOG.debug(debug_msg) return lease raise NoDHCPLeaseError("No lease found") except TimeoutExpired as error: LOG.debug( "dhcpcd timed out after %s seconds: stderr: %r stdout: %r", error.timeout, error.stderr, error.stdout, ) raise NoDHCPLeaseError from error except subp.ProcessExecutionError as error: LOG.debug( "dhcpcd exited with code: %s stderr: %r stdout: %r", error.exit_code, error.stderr, error.stdout, ) raise NoDHCPLeaseError from error @staticmethod def parse_unknown_options_from_packet( data: bytes, dhcp_option_number: int ) -> Optional[bytes]: """get a specific option from a binary lease file This is required until upstream dhcpcd supports unknown option 245 upstream bug: @param data: Binary lease data @param number: Option number to return @return: the option (bytes) or None """ # DHCP is basically an extension to bootp. The relevent standards that # describe the packet format include: # # RFC 951 (Section 3) # RFC 2132 (Section 2) # # Per RFC 951, the "vendor-specific area" of the dhcp packet starts at # byte 236. An arbitrary constant, known as the magic cookie, takes 4 # bytes. Vendor-specific options come next, so we start the search at # byte 240. INDEX = 240 def iter_options(data: bytes, index: int): """options are variable length, and consist of the following format option number: 1 byte option length: 1 byte option data: variable length (see length field) """ while len(data) >= index + 2: code = data[index] length = data[1 + index] option = data[2 + index : 2 + index + length] yield code, option index = 2 + length + index for code, option in iter_options(data, INDEX): if code == dhcp_option_number: return option return None @staticmethod def parse_dhcpcd_lease(lease_dump: str, interface: str) -> Dict: """parse the output of dhcpcd --dump map names to the datastructure we create from dhclient example dhcpcd output: broadcast_address='' dhcp_lease_time='3600' dhcp_message_type='5' dhcp_server_identifier='' domain_name='us-east-2.compute.internal' domain_name_servers='' host_name='ip-192-168-0-212' interface_mtu='9001' ip_address='' network_number='' routers='' subnet_cidr='20' subnet_mask='' """ LOG.debug( "Parsing dhcpcd lease for interface %s: %r", interface, lease_dump ) # create a dict from dhcpcd dump output - remove single quotes try: lease = dict( [ a.split("=", maxsplit=1) for a in lease_dump.strip().replace("'", "").split("\n") if "=" in a ] ) if not lease: msg = ( "No valid DHCP lease configuration " "found in dhcpcd lease: %r" ) LOG.error(msg, lease_dump) raise InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError(msg % lease_dump) except ValueError as error: LOG.error("Error parsing dhcpcd lease: %r", lease_dump) raise InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError from error # this is expected by cloud-init's code lease["interface"] = interface # transform underscores to hyphens lease = {key.replace("_", "-"): value for key, value in lease.items()} # - isc-dhclient uses the key name "fixed-address" in place of # "ip-address", and in the codebase some code assumes that we can use # isc-dhclient's option names. Map accordingly # - we use an internal key name "static_routes" to map # what I think is some RHEL customization to the isc-dhclient # code, so we need to match this key for use there. name_map = { "ip-address": "fixed-address", "classless-static-routes": "static_routes", } for source, destination in name_map.items(): if source in lease: lease[destination] = lease.pop(source) dhcp_message = util.load_binary_file( f"/var/lib/dhcpcd/{interface}.lease" ) opt_245 = Dhcpcd.parse_unknown_options_from_packet(dhcp_message, 245) if opt_245: lease["unknown-245"] = socket.inet_ntoa(opt_245) return lease def get_newest_lease(self, interface: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a dict of dhcp options. @param interface: which interface to dump the lease from @raises: InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError on empty or unparsable leasefile content. """ try: return self.parse_dhcpcd_lease( subp.subp( [ self.client_name, "--dumplease", "--ipv4only", interface, ], ).stdout, interface, ) except subp.ProcessExecutionError as error: LOG.debug( "dhcpcd exited with code: %s stderr: %r stdout: %r", error.exit_code, error.stderr, error.stdout, ) raise NoDHCPLeaseError from error @staticmethod def parse_static_routes(routes: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ classless static routes as returned from dhcpcd --dumplease and return a list containing tuple of strings. The tuple is composed of the network_address (including net length) and gateway for a parsed static route. @param routes: string containing classless static routes @returns: list of tuple(str, str) for all valid parsed routes until the first parsing error. e.g.: sr=parse_static_routes( "" ) sr=[ ("", ""), ("", ""), ] """ static_routes = routes.split() if static_routes: # format: dest1/mask gw1 ... destn/mask gwn return [i for i in zip(static_routes[::2], static_routes[1::2])] LOG.warning("Malformed classless static routes: [%s]", routes) return [] class Udhcpc(DhcpClient): client_name = "udhcpc" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.lease_file = "" def dhcp_discovery( self, interface: str, dhcp_log_func: Optional[Callable] = None, distro=None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Run udhcpc on the interface without scripts or filesystem artifacts. @param interface: Name of the network interface on which to run udhcpc. @param dhcp_log_func: A callable accepting the udhcpc output and error streams. @return: A list of dicts of representing the dhcp leases parsed from the udhcpc lease file. """ LOG.debug("Performing a dhcp discovery on %s", interface) tmp_dir = temp_utils.get_tmp_ancestor(needs_exe=True) self.lease_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, interface + ".lease.json") with suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.remove(self.lease_file) # udhcpc needs the interface up to send initial discovery packets distro.net_ops.link_up(interface) udhcpc_script = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "udhcpc_script") util.write_file(udhcpc_script, UDHCPC_SCRIPT, 0o755) cmd = [ self.client_name, "-O", "staticroutes", "-i", interface, "-s", udhcpc_script, "-n", # Exit if lease is not obtained "-q", # Exit after obtaining lease "-f", # Run in foreground "-v", ] # For INFINIBAND port the dhcpc must be running with # client id option. So here we are checking if the interface is # INFINIBAND or not. If yes, we are generating the the client-id to be # used with the udhcpc if is_ib_interface(interface): cmd.extend( [ "-x", "0x3d:20{}".format( get_interface_mac(interface)[36:].replace(":", "") ), ] ) try: out, err = subp.subp( cmd, update_env={"LEASE_FILE": self.lease_file}, capture=True ) except subp.ProcessExecutionError as error: LOG.debug( "udhcpc exited with code: %s stderr: %r stdout: %r", error.exit_code, error.stderr, error.stdout, ) raise NoDHCPLeaseError from error if dhcp_log_func is not None: dhcp_log_func(out, err) return self.get_newest_lease(interface) def get_newest_lease(self, interface: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the most recent lease from the ephemeral phase as a dict. Return a dict of dhcp options. The dict contains key value pairs from the most recent lease. @param interface: an interface name - not used in this class, but required for function signature compatibility with other classes that require a distro object @raises: InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError on empty or unparsable leasefile content. """ return util.load_json(util.load_text_file(self.lease_file)) @staticmethod def parse_static_routes(routes: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: static_routes = routes.split() if static_routes: # format: dest1/mask gw1 ... destn/mask gwn return [i for i in zip(static_routes[::2], static_routes[1::2])] return [] ALL_DHCP_CLIENTS = [Dhcpcd, IscDhclient, Udhcpc]