AIOU Journals
S.NO JOURNAL TITLE ISSN NO 1 Journal of Maarif-E-Islami 1992-8556 (Print),2664-0171 (Online) 2 Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning 2415-2013 (Print) | 2415-2021 (Online) 3 Pakistan Journal of Education 1818-3344 (Print)2413-8517 (Online) 4 Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 1994-7046 5 Global Media Journal 2070-2469 6 Journal of Contemporary Management Sciences 2521-8247 (Online),2410-406X (Print) …
HEC Journals
HEC has been endeavoring to raise the quality of research in Pakistan to an international level. Research journals are excellent tools to enhance research capabilities. As such, it has been decided to approve those research journals which meet the HEC criteria for recognized journals. However, in order to bring these journals at par with international …